
Showing posts from August, 2022


1.1- LAGI MANNHEIM FLOWER GARDEN CIVIC & PUBLIC PARK DESIGN FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY IN SPINELLIL PARK xlarge 1.2- AERIAL VIEW OF THE LAGI MANNHEIM FLOWER GARDEN CIVIC & PUBLIC PARK PROJECT PLANNING IN SOLAR ENERGY CELL PANELS RENEWABLE PLANT AND WINDWILL RENEWABLE ENERGY PLANT PRODUCING 30 MW to 3000 MW OF POWER TO THE CITY 1.3- INTRODUCTION - The Renewable Energy park developed in Solar Plant and Wind Will plant project in Lagi city at Mannhein and in rest of the world is a source of clean energy and environment safe project for the future when large quantity of energy required can be supplied from these similar project on land and water . This kind of project in renewable energy can overcome the power shortage crisis in a city in future by developing a energy plant in a the heart of the city like building roof tops , in & over water, public park where the trees , plants , building roof.can be developed and made on photo voltaic cells and public par...